This past weekend was, of course, eventful…
We actually had to bow out of a couple events due to how event-FULL we were! (Notice the play on words…)
October has taken off and honestly not yielded us anytime to just stay home and sleep. Everyone seems to give us the whole “sleep now, while you can!” Warning. Like they are some cheesy, scary pseudo-villian from one of those Verizon commercials. “It’s a dead zone…” hahaha
However, we have not taken their advice because, oh we haven’t had time.
Moving on, this Sunday my wife, Laura, and I had some company over for dinner.
The Peacocks and the Mauldins.
Note: Laura’s sister and cousins all live in the same subdivision as we do, so we get together quite often!
Jenn & Paul, Laura’s older sister and brother-in-law came with their spunky daughter, Annagrace in tow. As well as, Tori & Jeremy, Laura’s cousins, who had their I’m- gonna-run-into-this-and-see-what-happens son, Grant, along as well. They all came over at 6 o’clock sharp for some of Laura’s oh-so-good Chicken & Dumplins. Annagrace is on the peak of age two and Grant just turned one. They both go to the same daycare and are so fun to watch.
“Hey” said Annagrace.
“Hey Annagrace, how are you?” I said while bending down to give her a hug.
“Dad-deeeeee!” she screamed while grasping onto Paul’s leg with quite a death grip.
“Do you wanna go see Logan and Andy?” I quickly interjected.
Annagrace loves our dogs and anything she was thinking about before will totally disappear out of her mind because her one and only goal is to see a puppy.
“Annnndeee” yells Annagrace.
“Okay, well we have to go out back to see them, they are outside.” I said.
“Outside” she says while running for the door.
Right then the doorbell rings and I know it has to be Jeremy, Tori and Grant.
“’xcuse me,” I said. “Paul, can you take her to see the dogs?”
“Sure.” said Paul while reaching down for Annagrace’s hand to lead her out the back door.
I ran over to open the door where I see Tori, Jeremy and little Grant, who seemed almost afraid to come inside.
“Ahhhh” yelled Grant, with an almost inaudible sound, while turning around to face Jeremy, with his arms stretched upwards.
“It’s okay son,” said Jeremy “walk on in.”
“Yah, Grant” I said “It will look more familiar when you get inside.”
Grant has come over to visit probably a total of four times, yet, he does have frequent visits to Jenn and Paul’s house, which, fate would have it, we have the almost exact floor plan as Laura’s older sister’s house, which is down the street.
“Hey! It’s so good to see you.” Said Tori while walking in and holding a basket of biscuits.
“Here I will take those.” I said quickly. “come in!”
“I hope those are okay” said Tori in a sort of a wisper, “they aren’t homemade!”
“That’s really okay,” I said with a smile of approval. “We appreciate you bringing them with you, even if you didn’t slave hours making them.”
Tori laughed and proceeded to walk into the kitchen where Jenn and Laura were working on finishing up dinner. I glanced to see Laura give Annagrace a quick kiss on the cheek. Jenn was holding her while pointing to a big watermelon they were planning on cutting for dinner. I stepped into the den where Jeremy and Paul were sitting mapping out the Halloween scare-fest that is to come in the next few weeks.
“I think we need atleast twenty tombstones” said Paul.
“Do you really think we need that many?” said Jeremy with a rasied eyebrow?
“Yes! We need to have a whole grave yard for the young’ins to walk through.”
“Well, you will be here, Eric will be here and I will be in the garage with a black light” Said Jeremy.
“Do you still have my fog machine?” I interjected.
“We have three fog machines” said Jeremy.
“What about my scary CD I made?” I said.
“Yep! Still got it.” confirmed Jeremy with a pen in hand.
Jeremy, Paul and I are forever bonded due to our love of all things Halloween. Halloween is a month we basically look forward to the entire year. Ever since the first year I dated Laura, in 2005, I have been going to Jeremy’s house on October 31st for our Haunted Trick-or-Treat night. Jeremy dresses up as Michael Myers, I dress up as a Werewolf and Paul is a zombie Vampire. Each and every year it is a little different and it seems the kids always remember us… it has become a tradition! However, with kids coming into the mix I am not sure how much longer we will be able to continue our trio of fright!
“I think we have plenty of spiders,” continued Jeremy, “but I think I want to get them put on the house somehow!”
As I was sitting in the floor I saw Grant come barreling into the den where we all sat. Little Grant is all boy and seems he isn’t afraid of anything. We have a little bit of a raise in the floor in-between the kitchen and the den and his little foot did not quite make it over, he stumbled and almost fell, but like the little trooper he is, he barreled straight ahead toward his goal, the dogs.
“Aahhhiickkk! Goggg” scream Grant.
“Yah, this is Andy and Logan, Grant.” I said with a huge smile on my face trying not to bust out in laughter due to how cute he was.
“Grant, that’s a dog, say dog.” Said Jeremy.
“Good!” I yelled in approval!
“Close enough…” said Jeremy and then he went back to talking to Paul, who was focused on all the costumes in a magazine they had found that said “Halloween Express 2008!”
“Food is ready,” said Jenn.
I was so hungry so I got up and headed to the kitchen where I left the other guys behind. I felt like I had abandoned by brotherhood, but I was starving. Laura and I had been up since 9am and cleaning almost all day. I think all I had to eat that day was a marble loaf from Starbucks. I was getting me some Chicken & Dumplins. Not to mention, Laura had made her sweet potato casserole.
“Annagrace, go tell daddy, it’s time to eat!” I said. “I am sure it will come out something totally different.” I went on under my breathe to Laura, Tori and Jenn.
As she trotted into the den we listened closely to hear the jarble of words that was to come out of her mouth.
“Time for food, daddy.” said Annagrace.
We were stunned! She did it! And in such a cute tone that made even the most hard-core Halloween enthusiast retire from planning to have dinner.
All in all it was a fun night and we also got yet another chance to see what it will be like when a little one is running around the house. One thing I do remember Jeremy saying to me as he walked in the house.
“Well, one thing is for sure, your house certainly won’t look this good with one of these running around!”