I know, sometimes it take a while for things to really sink in. I digress...
Now, have I accomplished everything I wanted in 2008? I guess you could say this year has been sort of a busy one. I mean if you look back three big milestones have been crossed off…
SIDE NOTE: Some people say our bundle of joy on the way was a honeymoon baby, but he isn’t. That is my story and I know it to be true.
Anyway, the year has kind of been a blur of events… January to June were all basically preparing for our wedding… all that was talked about or discussed was wedding invitations, tuxes, dresses, flowers, wedding showers, wedding gifts, wedding guests, well you get the picture…then the honeymoon! After we got back things sorta slowed down, that is, until we found out on July 16 we were going to have a baby!
July to the present have been… I am sure you can guess… baby, baby, baby… Which I do not mind in the least, but do you find a trend here? We like to plan big events! Hahaha
I guess come March we will be finishing up planning for our big family trip to Walt Disney World in September.
I mean, that is if he actually comes in March... I have figured I may have my son born while I am still 28... we will just have to wait and see.
We are now in our 27th week on our way to week 28 which, soon-there-after, is the beginning of the, dum dum dum, 3rd trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!Whoa.
Another thing that kind of hit me today was when Laura sent me an email asking me about the dates of our “birthing class” (all I could picture was that scene from "Baby Mama" HAHAHA) and then texting me a very interesting question…
“Do you want to cut the cord?” Now, being the knowledgeable person I am I figured she meant Mauldin’s cord… but what if she was talking about some other cord? That is such a big decision… I started wondering, well do I? Acting as if there were a choice of cords… like on a bomb.. the red one or blue one? Of course I do right? But, what if I pass out… what if I start sweating like some sort of farm animal and can’t do it… everyone is gonna call me a wuss… now is that where we are? Are we thinking of other people in this instance.. I should be thinking about my son… this is my son! I am never going to get this chance again… my one and only chance to do this. My child needs to have his umbilical cord cut, but will Laura resent me for cutting the cord that connected her and Mauldin for those long nine months? Of course not, that is quite preposterous, but welcome to my mind. So, what did I finally decide in those two seconds… yes, a person with ADD thinks that fast… “Y-e-s.” That is all I texted back to her.
So, here we are upon the end of the year 2008 and about to venture into new territory… What exactly will 2009 bring… well besides the birth of my first born man-child? I mean that is a pretty big, life altering difference, right?
Who knows… if we knew what would be the point of waking up if we knew what was going to happen? I mean if I seriously knew I was gonna wake up, go to work and come home and not have anything truly interesting happen to me… I might as well stay home and enjoy my new Xbox360 game… however, I was not blessed with the gift to see into the future as Cassandra did back in the ole’ Greek days… But, bear in mind, it didn’t turn out so good for her.
Alright 2009… bring it on. Lets do this.